Knowing VS Believing

Chapter 3: The Big Doubt About DNA Ancestry

There’s a quote from Dr. Jose Pimienta Bey.

It received a lot of passion and attention from many of YouTube viewers.

After giving a 15-minute lecture on the benefits of nationality versus the color term “black,” Dr. Pimienta Bey gave some final advice.

He says the following:

”and now in this day and age you can even do an test. And they can tell you what part of Africa, what ethnic group, or nation or so-called tribe one is from.”

And many YouTube viewers took to the comments section:

Although most of these commenters missed the main point Dr. Pimienta Bey was conveying – their response was crystal clear.

They have a great distrust for DNA Ancestry Tests.

We understand why.

Part of this is a privacy issue.

Some of the DNA submitted by customers is being distributed, resold, or used without the customer’s explicit permission.

But the larger issue goes back to the real underlying problem: Knowing VS Believing.

That the fact that BELIEVING what others tell you about your origins is the real problem.

Here’s an example:

This is a phylogenetic tree based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the so-called "Black Man."

And here's another, the "reduced median network relating HVSI sequences of subhaplogroup U6"

There’s a big problem here…

It's all written in genetic jargon.

Only geneticists can read the language written in these diagrams.

If a geneticist handed this to you, it would be foreign to you.

And with discussions on topics such as:

  • Mitochondrial DNA
  • phylogeography
  • Haplogroups
  • nucleotides, etc.,

majority of people would not have the genetics education to understand the report.

How can the average human being make sense of this data with so many hurdles?

(There's a simple, and straightforward way to do this. It's so easy, a fifth grader could do it. More on this later on)

This instance is where DNA Ancestry Laboratories come to the rescue – or so it appears.

The data on these charts is similar to information that DNA Ancestry Labs use.

And so, millions of customers pay these companies to sample and interpret data that is free and available to the public.

The Problem with DNA Ancestry Tests

1. The Process

The process goes like this:

  1. You input your credit card information and hit the buy button.
  2. This is going to cost you anywhere from $89 - $800.
  3. Once the DNA Lab receives your order, they’ll ship you off a fresh DNA test kit. (It may take 2 - 3 weeks for you to receive the kit)
  4. Once you receive the kit, you give them a DNA sample and ship it back to their labs. (Wait another week or two for the lab to confirm they’ve received your sample)
  5. Then wait for yet another 4 - 8 weeks for them to analyze and send you back your results.

After 9 - 14 weeks, you’ll finally get your results in.

In return, you’ll likely get an elaborate Map, a data table, or (in some cases) a basic bar graph.

Either way, you now hold this genetic jargon translated into plain English for you.

But then the doubt sets in.

What if this isn’t accurate?

What if they just took my money and randomly told me I’m from an African country?

What if it’s not the truth?




Forbes magazine probed into the question of where the DNA data comes from.

They also investigated how DNA ancestry labs translate this data.

What they found was interesting, to say the least:

”in many cases the results are unlikely to even pertain to a customer’s ancestry and it’s not by accident that details of the reference datasets these companies use to infer a customer’s various ancestral origins from their DNA tests remain far from clear.”

Forbes also points to’s “Ethnicity Estimate White Paper.”

This document gives insight into the methods used during their DNA analysis.

It also explains what their DNA results mean for customers.

The white paper states:

”Unfortunately, it is not possible to sample historical populations.

We must instead rely on DNA samples collected from individuals alive today who can trace their ancestry to a single geographic location. > >When asked to trace familial origins, most of us can only reliably trace one to five generations back in time, making it difficult to find individuals with knowledge about distant ancestry.”

This statement gives a clear picture of the real limitations of ancestry DNA tests.

It takes BOTH the genetic data AND an understanding of history and people.

DNA Ancestry tests alone are not enough.




So how do you know the DNA lab correctly decoded your genetic information?

And how do you know they interpreted it correctly?

You don’t.

So you have to believe they’re giving you the correct info, rather than KNOWING for sure.


”Man knows naught by being told.

Man may believe what others say, but thus he never knows.”

The real issue here boils down to the act of Knowing VS Believing.

The act of trusting what others tell you about your origins is the REAL problem.

And the reliance on others to tell you where you come from makes the lack of knowing for yourself even worse.



But what if there’s a simple system for so-called “African Americans” to create their own ancestral map?

Then they wouldn’t have to believe what ancestry labs tell them about their lineage.

There is a way!

You don’t have to believe any longer.

You can Know.

This method single-handedly:

  • overcomes the “Brick Wall of Slavery.”
  • takes advantage of rich genetic research
  • while avoiding the shortcomings of a DNA ancestry test
  • provides results in as quick as seven days!

With a little time and energy, and our guidance, you could uncover your African roots.

And you’ll know your roots for yourself – without a shadow of a doubt.

And without having to believe in ancestry DNA labs.

We’ll give you the details about this system later on at the end of this email.

And remember, this is not to attack or speak radical against any of the Ancestry DNA labs.

This chapter sheds light on the real problem facing the so-called “Black people” of North America and abroad.

The act of BELIEVING what others tell you about your origins is the real problem.

And relying on others to tell you where you come from only amplifies your lack of knowledge of self.




In the next chapter, we’ll clear up two of the most significant ancestry myths on the planet–